Dear Paperback Book,
I’m afraid it’s time to finally tell you the truth. I love you deeply but the burden on my shoulders has become to heavy so I have to say goodbye now.
You were my everything: your unique smell makes me want to carry you around in my pocket every second; your face is so beautiful that I look at it as art; your wisdom enchants me with every single word you show me.
I remember the day that I met you for the first time: It was at my mom’s office and I was only 4 years old. The moment I laid eyes on your cover I was enchanted. I was even more mesmerized by what you had to say about the world around us.
Yet I met someone else. Her name’s Kindle. She’s as wise as you but only one tenth of your weight. She’s got a mind that contains the entire universe worth of knowledge. I’m sorry but I can’t take you out the way you love anymore. I must stop worrying about getting your face dirty when I take you out for dinner. I have to rest my shoulders by taking you out of my bags. We no longer fit each other anymore. As much as I love you, what I need is someone lighter, more portable and easier to watch out for. I’m sorry.
We’ve had so much memories together since I was only a kid. You’re family. But I don’t think we should be in a relationship anymore. You’ll always have a place in my house, but I have to let you go have your rest. I wish you well, and keep passing on your wisdom to the world.
INPUT MAP of me, Dana Zhu
Creative Process Presentation & Bibliography
Creative Process Final Output
Classmate Discovery
Pt.1: Portrait of Smady. A Map.
A map of Smady. A remake of her input map, using some of my favorite fonts from her typography designs, with my doodles representing the input she gets from life.
Pt.2: Collaborative Output
We decided to make a visual representation of the lyrics I wrote. We picked the lyrics from the song “Whispers Before the Dawn” written in the summer. Here we try to make an image that reflects the first verse.
These two images are of my representation of the first verse, in my style of drawing.
Smady then made a really cool GIF of my lyrics and drawing using her amazing animation skills.